Paying for school can be a real challenge when it is simply not in your budget. With financial aid rates at their highest, students are beginning to feel pushed away from pursuing their dreams because of the cost. The good news is, if you obtain really good grades in school, get involved in a lot of activities, among other things, you may just be able to get a scholarship in your program of choice. Keep reading to find out more about two in-demand career fields as well as their scholarship opportunities.
Veterinary Medicine Scholarships
Veterinarians get the rewarding experience of caring for sick animals. However, obtaining a degree in veterinary medicine can be very costly. Then it is definitely a good thing that there are several different types of scholarships that are available for students working towards their degree. If you are currently enlisted in the U.S. Army, there are full-tuition scholarships available for students pursuing any type of degree. The American Veterinary Medical Foundation provides scholarship opportunities for students pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine. You must be attending your first, second, or third year of college in order to qualify.
In addition to receiving full-scholarships, there are many programs that offer partial scholarships. The American Veterinary Medical Foundation also offers students partial scholarships from the Winn Feline Foundation which can add up to about $2,500. There are a number of other scholarship opportunities available for students who want to be veterinarians.
Petroleum Engineering Scholarships
Petroleum Engineers are responsible for finding new sources of oil and gas for our use. It requires a great deal of training which can only mean that the tuition is typically high. The Society of Petroleum Engineers gives away more than one million dollars away in scholarships for future petroleum engineers. They have the Gus Archie Scholarship, Nico van Wingen Graduate Fellowship, as well as many others listed on their website. They pride themselves on being able to help students majoring in petroleum engineering pay for college.
There are also a number of other scholarships available for potential petroleum engineers. If you choose to attend Texas A&M, Stanford University, Colorado School of Mines, or the University of Alaska, you will find that there are numerous scholarship opportunities available. Many of these scholarships are sponsored by industry sources. All of these schools are some of the best in the country.
Regardless of your career field of choice, there is always help available when it comes to paying for college. Don’t give up on your dream simply because you think you can’t afford it. There are many opportunities available to students who work hard and deserve it the most.
Finding Your Way towards Higher Education Credit Picture License: 2010 QCESC Engineers Week Banquet via photopin cc